If you have an innovative idea with commercial potential and you are willing to tolerate a little risk, then setting up your own enterprise may be a good option for you. Entrepreneurship is critical to the country’s economic development as well as societal well-being as entrepreneurs create jobs and drive innovation. As an entrepreneur, you are expected to prepare feasibility reports to assess economic potential of your idea, competitors in the field, existing and future products in pipeline, market size, etc, so that you can take well-informed decisions. Start-ups offer a training opportunity that can teach you how to shift your thinking from theory into practice. Learning how to impress others and explain your project in a comprehensive and detailed manner is extremely important. Team work, developing ideas, addressing an audience, executing plans are some important skills needed for this. If you value independence, creativity, and autonomy, you could be s...
This blog is all about the preparation of GATE Biotechnology. All the study materials regarding the preparation can be found in this blog.